What we can offer
Dog walking
Price varies
I offer individual dog walking in your local area. For more than one dog or specific needs please contact me directly.
Group walking
Price varies
We will be offering the opportunity for owners and dogs to walk in supervised groups, enabling socialisation in a controlled specific group. Increasing owner knowledge and confidence and giving the dogs the best play they can have.
Dog behaviourist
Price varies
I work with you and your dog on a 1:1 basis to assess your individual needs and develop tailored programmes to address behaviour and enable change. Have a free initial phone consult with us.
Puppy and dog drop in
Price varies
I can pop in and spend time with your pet, topping water bowls and giving them human interaction time. Ideal for anxious, recovering or new dogs needing attention and care.
At home training services
Price varies
I can help train you and your dog in your home to develop communication and bond in your own environment. This can be to address behaviours in the home, reduce anxiety, or to help focus attention in a relaxed and caring way.
Holiday and home cover
Price varies
I am available to look after your home and pet whilst your away. We will care for your house and dog as if it were our own. Lavishing attention and time on them in their own environment they will feel like they have a holiday too, whilst you can relax in the knowledge they are receiving the best possible care.
Pet taxi service
Price varies
I am more than happy to transport your domestic pet to and from any destination. This includes stressed, anxious or aggressive dogs.
Classes, workshops and courses
Price varies
I will be offering courses, workshops and classes ranging from clicker training, basic training, trick training, scent training and targeted classes focusing on particular needs. We will be holding workshops and talks covering a range of topics. This can be also done for businesses, charities and other trainers. Please contact us if you have any particular requirements.
Develop better communication between you and your dog.
Dog walking
I can offer specialised walking services suiting your dogs needs.
Pet sitting
I am happy to look after your pet in your home reducing stress for them and you.